Monthly Archives: February 2022

Symptoms of a Bad Alternator

Symptoms of a Bad Alternator

Most people only see the battery as the power source in your car, but the truth is the alternator is just as important. The alternator generates voltage and powers your battery and the rest of your car's electrical components. If it fails, you can count on not starting your car, truck, or SUV. You may be experiencing the following signs below with a failing alternator: Unusual Light Behavior Your car's headlights, taillights, and interior lights will dim or flicker as your alternator struggles to charge your battery. You may also notice other glitches in your power accessories like your windows or seat adjustments.  Dashboard Warning Light Even when all your lights are going faint, one prominent light on the dashboard may come on: your electrical system warning light. Usually, this light is depicted as a battery symbol, so don't be thrown off. Other cars may even have a specific light or message display for the alternator. Battery Problems If you're experienc ... read more